You’ve been treating us to your favourite anecdotes
Every time we post about funny audience comments, you reply with a treasure trove of further hilarity in comments, messages and posts. We've collected some of our more recent favourites for your general amusement.
So let's get down to it – and don't forget to sign up to our daily newsletter for more!
"I was in a production of Abigail's Party many moons ago and two ladies complained because they thought they were buying tickets for a party night, not a play. They were very disappointed."
"My favourite was between parts of Cursed Child listening to a young couple bemoaning the fact that the characters weren't played by the cast of the Harry Potter films."
"'I hope no one else dies now' from a very shocked lady on my row after the first character died in Les Mis."
"Heard in the interval of a Wicked performance – an elderly chap complaining that he kept getting the two leading ladies confused…"
"When we went to see Jesus Christ Superstar, during the interval the ladies behind us said ‘I wonder when they'll sing about his coat of many colours… I love that one'."
"At Jennifer DiNoia's last show in Wicked in London, she runs on stage, audience erupts in cheering , guy behind 'me oh she must be quite popular' … Oblivious."
"As we exited the theatre where Evita had been playing an American approached an usher and asked 'so IS Evita dead?'"
"My favourite I heard was 'what time does the 7.30pm show start?'"
"'A few too many children in this show, they should get more experienced actors.' Production was Annie."
"Scar was backing Simba up on Pride Rock, menacingly, with the band getting louder and louder….tension builds… Scar gets more fierce and just before the band stops, Scar shouts: 'TELL THEM WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MUFASA'S DEATH!!'. Brief pause, then a little London kid shouts: 'YOU DUN IT!!' A slight bowing of heads from the cast, along with shoulder shakes, trying desperately not to laugh."
"Took my son to see Jesus Christ Superstar and he looked at me horrified when the woman next to him shouted really loudly "Oh My God, they've crucified him?!" Not sure what she was expecting."
Please chaps, keep them coming. We all need a pick-me-up.