Written by Maryhee Yoon and Cara Baldwin, the show is based on the story of war-time disc jockey Iva Toguri, who resided in Japan during World War Two.
The piece won the The Edinburgh Untapped Award and the Les Enfants Terribles Stepladder Award, and was staged in 2019 as part of the Edinburgh Fringe after an initial spell at Derby Theatre.
Appearing in the show will be Maya Britto in the titular role, Kanako Nakano as Aunt / Ensemble, Lucy Park as Papa / Fujiwara / Ensemble, Yuki Sutton as Mama / Collins / Ensemble, Cara Baldwin as Dewolfe / Cousens / Ensemble and Amy Parker as Brundidge / Judge / Ensemble.
Directed by Hannah Benson, the piece has additional book by Jonathan Man, Hannah Benson and William Patrick Harrison, dramaturgy by Haruka Ueda, Benson and Man, composition by Harrison, vocal arrangements by Benson, production by Tanya Agarwal, set design by Luke W Robson, lighting by Holly Ellis, produ
The show will play at North Wall in Oxford, Corn Exchange Newbury and the Birmingham Hippodrome.