The show, billed as “contemporary comedy musical”, centres on two girls working in a department store frequented by WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends) of famous footballers.
With characters “straight out ofthe pages of Hello and OK! magazines” the show, which runs from 18 July to 24 August 2013, features a book by Belvedere Pashun and music & lyrics by Grant Martin, Thomas Giron-Towers and Tony Bayliss.
It’s produced by Peter Frosdick Productions and Paul Nicholas, and is directed by Book of Mormon associate director Alison Pollard.
WAG! The Musical follows a day in the life of best friends Jenny and Sharron, two
working class girls making ends meet working on the cosmetics counter of a
bustling high end departmental haven. Encountering daily the widest range of
customers, from the aspiring plain Jane to the all-conquering entourage of
WAGs, Jenny longs for escape and fulfillment.
As mistress to a premier league superstar, she has tough decisions to make, whilst girl next-
door Sharron battles to retain her friend and control her own reciprocated and forbidden affections towards a new colleague. Added to the mix is “an array of adulterous males, scandal, and fading hopes of lasting happiness”.
Tim Flavin was the first American actor to win a Best Actor Olivier Award, for his performance in Rodgers and Hart’s On Your Toes. His other West End credits include Billy Buck Chandler in My One and Only and Bobby Child in Crazy For You.