A teenage love story where Laura (Hannah Boyce) loves Bobby, Bobby (Stephen Rolley) loves Sue, Sue (Louise Olley) loves Norman and Norman (Matthew Colthart) loves himself. Luckily Ray (Will Finlayson) loves Donna and Donna (Laura Sillett) loves Ray. Set to the backdrop of a youth club somewhere in Essex somewhere in the early 60’s. Thankfully, the trials and tribulations of being a teenager in love sort themselves out and everyone eventually ends up with the right person.
Excellently written by Marks and Gran the story is simple and with such a wealth of music to choose from the songs all fit within the storyline with being contrived.
The majority of the cast are very young, although some of the performers are really testing the bounds of imagination to think they are teens when they are clearly not going to see 30 again. The cast members make up the band singing; dancing and playing their instruments live on stage. During the show Mark Wynter (Bobby’s dad/old Bobby) struggles with the sound, either he needs to turn up his microphone or the band needs to be turned down. However at the end of the show he sings some of his own hits perfectly, including a brilliant rendition of Venus in Blue Jeans.
Fast paced and fun the entire cast look like they are enjoying themselves which transpires in some wonderful performances. Whilst all the cast can sing a special mention must go out to Stephen Rolley who is clearly destined to for bigger and better things with his incredible vocals.
If you can remember the songs from the first time around then get to Darlington Civic before Saturday for a fun night out.