The show is based on the popular children’s book of the same name
The Silver Sword, a new musical based on the popular children's book of the same name, will premiere in Coventry next month before embarking on a UK tour.
The cast includes Tom Mackley as Jan, Nathan Turner as Joe Wolski/Gypsy Man, Lucy Tregear as Frau Wolff/Mrs Krause, Julian Harries as Joseph, John O’Mahony as Herr Wolff, Oliver Buckner as Edek, Sue Appleby as Margarit, Rachel Flynn as Ruth and Alex Knox as Adam/Major Hargreaves.
Bronia will be played by various child actors from each venue.
Ian Seraillier's 1956 novel follows three children as they try to find their father in the aftermath of World War II.
According to press material: Full of warmth, music and excitement, this brand new musical adaptation is brought to life by a cast of skilled actor/musicians and features amazing puppetry and stunning visual projections.
Adapted by Susie McKenna, well known for her annual Hackney Empire pantos, and Steven Edis, The Silver Sword is presented by the Belgrade Theatre and Sell a Door Theatre Company (Avenue Q, The History Boys).
Producer David Hutchinson said: "I've been hoping to work with Susie McKenna and Steven Edis for some time, as a really exciting creative team who have penned an excellent piece of theatre for family audiences. The Silver Sword brings joy, truth, adventure and heart to the stage with a ensemble of top performers and creative – it really will be a treat for all the family."
Directed by McKenna, The Silver Sword will open at Coventry’s Belgrade Theatre 26 September to 3 October before embarking on a UK Tour to Coventry, Kircaldy, Croydon, Portsmouth, Birmingham, Exeter, Ipswich and Southampton.
For more information or to book tickets, click here.