The show, from by Stephen Schwartz and Roger O Hirson, is currently running at the Hope Mill Theatre
Pippin is currently running at the Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester, offering audiences the chance to experience Stephen Schwartz and Roger O. Hirson's circus musical as it returns to the UK.
We asked Jonathan Carlton, who plays the titular role, to give us a cheeky look backstage at the Hope Mill and his experience on the show.
JC: Cheeky notes session before we get started on stage
JC: In early to film the promo!
JC: My lovely 'break-a-leg' cards!
JC: Warm up on stage and a serious arm workout featuring Beyonce belting us through the pain.
JC: Filming for the promo is underway! Genevieve rocking it out as Leading Player.
JC: Found my "Corner of the Sky". Now to go home and sleep!
Pippin runs at the Hope Mill Theatre until 23 September.