In the gentle world of White, two friends, Wrinkle (Ian Cameron) and Cotton (Andy Manley), joyfully tend all about them, ensuring everything is clean, tidy and, most importantly, devoid of any colour other than white. Birdsong fills the air and there is an overall feeling of contentment as the two men live happily side by side in their white tepee caring for one another and the white eggs that fall from the sky – that is until their unquestioning acceptance of the status quo is put to the test by the arrival of a bright red shiny egg!
White is an enchanting play for very young children, between the ages of two and four, from Catherine Wheels, the award-winning children’s theatre group. Shona Reppe’s highly imaginative and humorous tented set is a delight. The differing textures and shades of everyday white objects, and the use of brightly coloured lights, are cleverly integrated to provide lots of visual stimulus for the bright-eyed child and bring smiles to the faces of children and adults alike.
– Margaret Scott