Richard Moore stars as Eddie Waters in the Octagon Theatre’s production of Trevor Griffiths‘ celebrated play, Comedians, directed by David Thacker which opens in Bolton later this week. Here, Richard gives us his five reasons to see this highly acclaimed play.
2. The Story:
A night-school class for comedians, lead by one time ‘great’, Eddie Waters, a club talent night and a denouement shocking in its emotional intensity.
3. Morality:
What is the real truth behind comedy? Does it enhance the human sprit or help to degrade it? “We’ve got to go beyond hate. Hate’s no help” Eddie Waters
4. The Era:
1975, Manchester – say no more!
5. And Finally:
Trevor Griffiths brilliantly uses a group of would be comics and their mentor to illustrate the joy and poignancy of the human condition. To enable people to laugh ‘till they cry’. ‘Comedy is medicine’, says Griffiths, ‘Not coloured sweeties to rot peoples teeth with. In short, Comedians is funny, intelligent and a humane play.