The show now opens in November
Joanne Clifton (The Rocky Horror Show, Pippin) will join the upcoming tour of The Addams Family, taking on the role of Morticia Addams, previously set to be played by Samantha Womack.
Clifton joins the existing cast of Cameron Blakely (Gomez Addams), Scott Paige (Uncle Fester), Kingsley Morton (Wednesday Addams), Grant McIntyre (Pugsley Addams), Valda Aviks (Grandma), Sean Kingsley (Mal Beineke), Kara Lane (Alice Beineke), Ahmed Hamad (Lucas Beineke), Dickon Gough and Ryan Bennett (sharing the role of Lurch), Abigail Brodie, Sophie Hutchinson, Matthew Ives and Sean Lopeman. Also new to production will be Castell Parker, with further casting to be announced.
The piece will be directed by Matthew White, with choreography by Alistair David, production design by Diego Pitarch, orchestrations by Richard Beadle, lighting design by Ben Cracknell, sound design by Richard Brooker and casting by Jane Deitch. Book is by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, and music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa, based on the characters created by Charles Addams.
The tour will now open in Nottingham (9 to 13 November), before visiting Cardiff (16 to 20 November), Sheffield (23 to 27 November), Birmingham (16 to 22 January), Edinburgh (25 to 29 January), Bradford (1 to 5 February), Newcastle (8 to 12 February), Oxford (15 to 19 February), Bromley (1 to 5 March), and Hull (15 to 19 March) with further dates beyond this into 2022.
Tickets for select dates are on sale below.