Lizzie Nunnery’s The Swallowing Dark, a co-production between Theatre503 and Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse (where it ran last month), has transferred to Theatre503, where it continues until 26 November.
Canaan thought he’d left the past in Zimbabwe, but then, out of the blue, Martha appears to reopen his case and with it, old wounds. Does she want the truth, or just a good story? And when lives depend on it, is the truth the best story to tell?
Here, cast member Wil Johnson gives us five good reasons to go along…
1. Liz Nunnery
A writer of immense talent. Honest, brave, courageous and daring. Someone whose not afraid to push back the boundaries and let you in for a very uncomfortable ride. The play will challenge perceptions about asylum seekers, their rights and whether or not they should be allowed to stay in this country.
2. You want to be entertained and stimulated at the same time?
Then this is the play for all those who want to be entertained and intellectually tested so you can have a provocative debate in the bar after or on your way home.
3. Paul Robinson
A director to watch out for if you haven’t already been made aware of his amazing work. Brilliant, perceptive, sensitive, Paul has crafted a stage production worthy of all the greats. A man with great insight who brings all his worldly experience to bear on this shocking and haunting play.
4. Allyson Ava Brown
What can I say? An actress to seriously look out for – if she hasn’t arrived already, with this performance, she has entered the building! BIG TIME!! A performance of great depth and balance, warmth, charm and sensitivity. Can I hear the toll of awards ringing in the distance for 2012?? Oh yeah…
5. Theatre503
Bringing forth some of the most important theatre on the London stage right now. Need I say more?