The season opens with the world premiere of Elizabeth Kuti‘s East Anglia-set drama Fishskin Trousers, (3-28 September), accompanied by the return of FINBOROUGHFORUM, a series of free late night events on the state of new writing in the UK.
Next up, from 1 to 26 October 2013, and presented in the aftermath of the Zimbabwean elections, is a world premiere from Finborough playwright-in-residence Anders Lustgarten, Black Jesus, which “unpicks the political complexities of Zimbabwe”.
This production will be accompanied by the fifth year of new writing festival Vibrant, running from 6 to 25 October, and featuring 18 plays by Finborough playwrights.
On Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays the Finborough will stage rare revivals of J.B. Priestley‘s Summer’s Day Dream (8–24 September 2013), and Michael Hastings’ Lee Harvey Oswald (3–19 November 2013), commemorating the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.
There will be a special one night fundraising event for the Earl’s Court venue – An Evening Dame Diana Rigg – on 20 October.
The former Bond girl and Avengers star will discuss her 1982 book No Turn Unstoned, a collection of “the worst theatrical reviews in history”.