The annual gala raised over £100,000 to support the work of the Finsbury Park venue
The evening, hosted by Ian McKellen, featured an auction with lots including dinner with Benedict Cumberbatch, cooked in the winning bidder's home by acclaimed chef Sam Harris, which raised £12,000 from an anonymous bidder (unfortunately, that wasn't us).
Over £100,000 was raised from the evening which is held annually to support the work of the Finsbury Park venue.
Other guests included Tanya Moodie, recently made an ambassador of the venue, who tweeted to thank Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who was also in attendance:
Thanks @jeremycorbyn for coming out to support the great @ParkTheatre in your constituency. It was lovely to meet you. #community #Theatre
— Tanya Moodie (@tanyamoodie) November 13, 2015