Jo Clifford’s new adaptation is set in a dystopian London
A new adaptation of Jekyll and Hyde, set in a London of the future, will tour the UK next year.
The production comes from Sell A Door Theatre, the same team behind recent tours of The History Boys and Avenue Q.
Set in a "steampunk dystopian world", Jo Clifford's version of Robert Louis Stevenson' classic story imagines Dr Henry Jekyll as a high-profile cancer specialist, "determined to find a cure for mankind's greatest medical challenge".
But in his obsession to make a breakthrough Jekyll's research results in the unintentional creation of a strain of drug that "entirely alters a patient's personality", unleashing his inner demons.
Clifford, whose adaptation of Great Expectations was recently seen in the West End, said: "I love Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's such a brilliant piece of writing. It's given me so much pleasure to adapt the story for Sell A Door; and I hope my play gives audiences huge pleasure, as well as plenty to think about."
The production marks the first Sell A Door has produced since gaining Arts Council funding. It opens at the Greenwich Theatre from 11-14 February 2015, before visiting venues including Leeds, Perth, Mansfield, Oxford, Croydon, Cambridge and Richmond.