Just A Little Murder, written by David Stuttard, is based on translations of stories and exchanges found in Greek poetry and drama. Dame Siân Phillips and Stephen Greif give voice to the different responses of male and female figures in Greek literature as they experience the big emotions like love, desire and hate. However, both show they can be extremely vengeful. It’s as if very little has changed in the last 2,000 years, only the scenery. Produced by Simon McKay. (Running time 90 minutes, including interval.) Siân Phillips, in a role that’s feeling and sensitive, contrasts with Stephen Greif’s character – weary of the death he has inflicted and hardened to his own death he now faces. He’s stirred only by lust. Phillips and Greif’s voices interact brilliantly in moments of contemplation rising to high drama. An afternoon of much laughter heightened by the right measure of pathos.