The abridged show for young audiences, directed by Ian Nicholson, opens in London this evening
Production photos have been released for the Unicorn Theatre's new all-black production of Shakespeare's Othello.
Directed by Ian Nicholson, the hour-long show has been adapted by Belgian playwright Ignace Cornelissen and translated by Purni Morell. It is reworked to suit younger audiences, with a fast-paced plot and funny exploration of what it means to 'be a man'.
Cornelissen’s previous works at the venue include Henry the Fifth, A Winter’s Tale and The Hunting
The show stars Okorie Chukwu as Othello, Lawrence Walker as Iago, Ricky Fearon as Brabantio, Ronald Nsubuga
as Cassio and Ayoola Smart as Desdemona.
The Unicorn Theatre, based in Southwark, also recently announced that Justin Audibert (whose abridged version of A Winter's Tale for young audiences opens at the National Theatre next week) has been appointed as new artistic director.
Othello runs at the Unicorn Theatre from 8 February to 3 March.