From the percentage of female characters in Shakespeare plays to England’s first actress
Yes that's right. The church forbade the appearance of women on the stage, although on the continent things were very different. It was only when King Charles II – a theatre-lover no less – granted a charter to Drury Lane and made it a requirement that all female parts should be played by women.
Other great early actresses include Nell Gwynne, Anne Bracegirdle and Elizabeth Barry.
Rosalind, from As You Like It is the biggest role for women in the Bard's cannon, but her lines come in at 721 which, when you compare it to Hamlet – the biggest male role with 1,506 lines – is pretty dire.
When we interviewed her in 2016 and asked her about Her Naked Skin, she said: "I was proud that the subject matter was the suffragettes. I was proud that the story was coming to the fore because I felt incredibly passionate about it."
Two, at least, with strong female leads.
According to a 2016 survey, more women than men buy theatre tickets.
Directed by Roy Alexander Weise, the play is set around a traditional Jamaican Nine Night Wake.
Read more about Tonic's great work with theatres on equality here.