When four performers from the UK & Japan meet in Tokyo to devise an absurd enigmatic clown performance, they can’t foresee the challenges they’ll face: loss of a place, of a culture, of a memory, of a loved one… They immerse themselves into this new reality and as they do, they just cannot recall the details of the ‘whys and what fors’. So, they take pictures, shoot reels, create stories, and plaster their daily routines all over social media; they can’t really tell ‘what is what and, what is the point of it’, they can only but perform it. In search for meaning and connection, they end up in the Museum of Lost Things where nothing is remembered forever, and frankly, it is a complete and utter mess. Yet, if you surrender to the chaos, it is also magical, funny and blissful too. Common side effects: rise of energy, strong thoughts, bliss and laughter. Disclaimer: this performance doesn’t provide any medical advice, nor the meaning of life.