About This Show

Quebec, 1888. A snowstorm traps five people in a remote saloon. One is Dòmhnall Morrison, the Megantic Outlaw, one of the most notorious villains of his day – to all but his own community. Another is a badass Barra woman, Màiri MacNeil – a whiskey-fueled, pistol-slinging, bounty hunter. She has history and a score to settle.

Subtitled throughout in English.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 30min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 30 March 2023 Final Performance: 01 April 2023
Location: An Lanntair, Stornoway

Kenneth Street,



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Elspeth Turner Màiri MacNeill
Dol Eoin McKinnon Donald Morrison
Sam Smith Jean Baptiste Bouchard
Daibhidh Walker Major Malcolm MacAuley
M J Deans Uilleamina Bouchard nee Morrison