What starts as an ordinary day at The Magical Hat Shop soon decends into mayhem when Mr Humphrey- the shop’s bumbling, forgetful owner- misplaces his McGuffin Stone! What on earth is McGuffin Stone I hear you ask? Only the very thing that gives Mr Humphrey’s shop its magic! Without it, the hats simply won’t come to life! Only with the help of his number one customer- the plucky, 10 year-old Sarah- plus an audience of enthusiastic children, can Mr Humphrey ever hope to find his precious McGuffin Stone. So join our duo as they embark on a quest that takes them waaaaay back to the deserts of Ancient Egypt, through the halls of Queen Elizabeth I’s palace, up-diddly-up to see Neil Armstrong on the moon…and all the way back down again into the smelly boughs of Blackbeard’s pirate ship, as they search for the McGuffin Stone.