About This Show

Set in Paris in1905, a three act comedy which includes a can-can at Chez Maxim’s. The plot centres around the past love affair between Madame Glavari (the wealthy widow of the title) and Count Danilovitsch – which becomes inextricably entailed with the appalling state of the Pontevedrian economy (they need her cash). Several sub-plots add to the drama – the Ambassador’s fondness for young females and his wife’s penchant for even younger men – all help to produce an evening of witty songs and lively music.

Sung in English

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 15 November 2018 Final Performance: 17 November 2018
Location: The Lowry, Salford

Pier 8Salford Quays,


M5 2AZ

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Maire Flavin Hanna Glawari - Leeds
Katie Bird Hanna Glawari - Newcastle/Hull/Nottingham/Salford
Amy Freston Valencienne
Nicholas Watts Camille de Rosillon