Little Fir Tree is a magical new uplifting musical for the whole family based on the Hans Christian Andersen story. Little Tree lives in a clearing in the Great Forest, far away from most human contact. He has wonderful animal friends, Owl, Benny Badger, Rabbit, the Squirrel Twins and Mouse who support him, especially when the bigger trees pick on him for being small. Occasionally the human world and the Forest world collide, bringing hope and joy, as when Lara and the other school children arrive for a winter picnic and fall in love with Little Tree. But sometimes the outside world can bring danger, in the guise of Poacher Pete, who hunts animals and chops down trees. Few people venture this deep into the Forest. But on this special occasion, you too can discover the magical world of Little Fir Tree. Little Fir Tree is a feel good family story that will appeal to the child in all of us.
World Premiere