Stream: Two New Plays, is a show that explores the ebb and flow at the very core of being human. Written by emerging female writers, Salmon and Mom Bob, plunge beneath the deceptively still surface and unravel the changing tides and relentless torrents beneath.
SALMON by Constance Eldon McCaig and Eva Lily
Set in a small Scottish town, where a lack of prospects leaves the young people looking for more, Salmon follows Angus and his self-destruction in the aftermath of his dog’s death. As Angus struggles between the weekend raves and week day restlessness, we are swept a long into a world where dogs run security businesses, flies talk, and nothing is quite what it seems. Salmon blends spoken word, music and surrealism as it asks of it’s audience; why is it so hard to admit you’re not okay.
MOM BOB by Jane Hancock
Claire finds herself at her wits end as she processes the changing tides of her life and the experices that brought her here, to this duck pond in Central Park, New York City. MOM BOB examines the relationship between (biological) mother and child. The identity wrapped around that relationship, and how we react to being needed, or not needed.