Over 45 years after Judy Garland and her daughter Liza Minnelli performed together at The London Palladium, these iconic performers are back together again thanks to Judy and Liza, a brand new musical experience. This production will feature live performances of all of your favourite Judy and Liza hits including Cabaret, Maybe This Time and The Man That Got Away. The performances will be intertwined with images of Judy and Liza and tell the sensational stories of the lives of two of the world’s most legendary stars of stage and screen.
The incredible talents of two of the biggest names in Hollywood showbusiness – mother and daughter Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli – are back together once again thanks to this special musical experience, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. Judy & Liza features performances of iconic songs Cabaret, Maybe This Time, and The Man That Got Away. The self-penned musical biopic by Emma Dears sees the Liverpool actress and singer return to the stage as Liza, joined by Helen Sheals as Judy. Emma’s West End roles have included Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and Oliver. Helen is widely known for her roles in Coronation Street and Downton Abbey.
This event takes place at St Luke’s Bombed Out Church, Leece Street, Liverpool L1 2TR