About This Show

Up in the Yorkshire mining towns of 1960s Britain, a little hope was a dangerous thing. Social disintegration and disenchantment taught you to accept your lot; or else get the spirit kicked out of you. Yes, back then, life was certainly grim up North… Especially for our hero; streetwise school-kid Billy Casper. Emotionally neglected – bullied at school and at home – his is a pretty bleak existence; smoking, cadging money and getting into scraps…Until, that is, Kes comes along. Kes is a kestrel that Billy rears and trains; Kes is hope. Together, their friendship shines amid the gloom; but how long can it last…?

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 15min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 06 April 2022 Final Performance: 30 April 2022
Location: The Theatre By The Lake, Keswick



CA12 5DJ

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