Gobstoppers is a montage of original solo vignettes specifically written and developed for streaming on screen. John Patterson, Artistic Director of Angel Theatre Company invited a team of writers and actors to collaborate with him on this unique project, which is now available to watch via Vimeo until 5th April 2021. Gobstoppers aims to be an experimental, entertaining and thought-provoking event for viewers to enjoy! A series of unrelated scenes were commissioned from a pool of writers. Instructions were to create a piece of dialogue which specifically centred on the actor’s eyes, mouth or hands, the three primary tools available to the director/actor to communicate a character/narrative. Writers were encouraged to think “outside the box” and take risks in their choices, as well as to avoid the theme of Covid/lockdown… the aim of the project is to offer viewers some escapism from our current situation. These vignettes were then cast and rehearsed via zoom, each filmed on actor’s mobile phones, before being edited to create the whole.