Do you find yourself scrolling though dating apps looking for the perfect trade yet keep falling for the same fuckbois? Have you ever been so dick-deprived you’ve settled for someone way below your standards? Have you ever woken up next to the previous night’s regret only to vomit in your mouth a little? If you answered yes to any or all of these – Congratulations! You too got the Love Sicks. Some very wise OG once said that if you don’t know your history you’re doomed to repeat it. Well, some lessons are best learnt HARD. Such as learning to love yourself in the face of adversity. Alexis’ never ending quest for love has led him to some dark rooms. No, literally. When it comes to men, Alexis (or perhaps better known as LUV_S6X_BAE on Grindr) is a sweet-toothed twink in a candy-coated-dick-shop. Despite the constant let downs in dating and in life, Alexis is intent on discovering the path towards the realest version of himself: becoming the baddest bitch alive! Love Sicks is dirty, raunchy, vulnerable, in an unflinching exploration of sex, love, trauma and dating.