About This Show

Church of Burn at the Cockpit is the largest annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event in the world. In human history, Ritual Sacrifice has been pivotal in the ordering of economic relations and served to create civilisation, itself. We have forgotten this. “Money gains strength through our obedience. The more we let ourselves be governed by money, the more power we grant it and the more the vulnerable suffer.” The Church of Burn redefines money and recasts our relationship with it. In Ritual it becomes a powerful sacrament – perhaps the most powerful of all. To burn money is to transgress its logic. It is an experience that is simultaneously, both symbolic and real. The act creates meaning that is accessible only through the doing of it. This year’s event is the most extraordinary and expansive money burning event ever planned. It’s in three parts with a short break between each one: 1. SYNOD – Presentations from activists, academics, artists on ‘How we save the world’ 2. SERVICE – Hymns, Confessional, Sermons, Sex Magic Invocation 3. RITUAL – Led by MBG The MONEY REBELLION is here.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: 08 December 2019