StopGAP comprises five professional charismatic dancers with and without disabilities who showcase strong dance technique injected with a healthy dose of humour.
After a string of sell-out successes they return with a new work. Featuring the acclaimed disabled dancer David Toole, The Enormous Room portrays a relationship between a father and a daughter who are trying to deal with grief. The past is still present and memories collide with reality. Combining exquisite detail in movement with evocative text and design, the production takes the audience somewhere in between this world and the next. “?Dave’s wife Jackie is gone, but her husband Dave still sees her everywhere. She is lying in his bed, sitting at the kitchen table and laughing with their daughter Sam. Dave is not going anywhere and has withdrawn into the living room. He has built the walls up high and is refusing to let the future in. But going is all that Sam can think about.”