About This Show

Three years since the report of his disappearance in action, the Kellers are still waiting, hoping against hope for news of their son’s return. Three years of waiting, and their younger son struggles to break the news to his mother and father that he is in love with the girl his brother left behind. Three lives are on hold, until they can finally accept that Laurie may never return. Events come to a head one evening, when Annie returns to her home town and forces the Keller family to confront their hidden past, their own culpability and the awful part they may have played in their son’s demise. Powerful, passionate and frighteningly relevant, All My Sons, brought Arthur Miller his first major success as a playwright. This moving, tragic drama is a compelling tale of the ideological conflict between father and son, a merciless exposure of wartime profiteering and the American Dream.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: 25 April 2019 Final Performance: 27 April 2019
Location: Beacon Arts Centre (formerly Arts Guild Theatre), Greenock

Campbell Street,


PA15 1HJ

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