Mammy Goose always thought she was going to be somebody, though life hasn’t quite worked out like that. I mean, look at her, she’s less Debbie McGhee more McGhees the Bakers. Her dreams of glittering Holyrood parties hob-knobbing with the Scottish elite like The Krankies and Sean Batty have gone down the pan. Her only friend in the world is Lucy – a talking Goose (and you can imagine the stares in street walking arm-in-arm with a 6ft goose). And as for her son Jack, well there’s no chance of him ending up the hot-shot legal eagle she’d hoped, no, he’s only interested in Strictly Come Dancing, sequins and fake-bake. Basically, Mammy Goose’s life is a mess, until a mysterious stranger makes her an offer – the chance to be young again. The chance to start over. And all she has to do is trade in her pet goose… Will Mammy Goose choose eternal youth over friendship and love (seems to have worked out okay for Kim Kardashian, hasn’t it)? Will Jack and his new pal Will dare to climb that hill together and see what’s up there? Will Lucy the Goosey taste better with BBQ or plum sauce? There’s only one way to find out in this year’s rip-rollicking panto Mammy Goose…