Irvine Welsh’s Porno

About This Show

Fifteen years after Trainspotting, what has become of Renton, Sickboy, Begbie & Spud? Disturbing, shocking & extremely funny. Contains swearing, sexual language & drug / violence related subject matter. As if you’d expect anything else…

A world premiere of the full length stage adaptation that earned rave reviews from audiences and critics at the Edinburgh Fringe during a sell-out run of the condensed script.

It’s difficult to imagine anyone but Robert Carlyle taking on the role of psychopath Begbie but Chris Gavin is a worthy successor


Irvine Welsh’s Porno UK Tour

Show Details

Dates: First Preview: 15 September 2023 Final Performance: 16 September 2023
Location: King's Theatre, Glasgow

297 Bath Street,


G2 4JN

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