We don’t want you to think for a second we’re not giving 110%, giving you a mathematical impossibility of ourselves, a number invented for us. Life is easy for millennials. Our parents worked hard so that we could do whatever we wanted. We’ve had everything handed to us on a plate. And still we’re complaining. Do we need to wake up from our dream world and face reality? What is that reality? One millennial stands before you, trying to process her three most pressing concerns: job exploitation, crumbling friendship and the apocalypse. She has an overwhelming need to share… and to apologise for it. Taking you on a journey from the aisle of a supermarket to the edge of a volcano, REP Foundry graduate Susie Sillett has written a highly-charged trilogy of monologues exploring the experiences of young people in the 21st century.
Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Venue 8