Poor Nana, she’s not all she was. Wandering round all day and getting under everyone’s feet, grumbling about the old days and constantly burbling about that flaming cat. Her hearing’s going, her memory’s going… maybe it’s time we talked about retirement homes. Dunno how she’d pay for it though, her bank account’s emptier than Bruce Forsyth’s head. 9…22…18…2…13…29 8 million quid. The slipper is on the other foot now and Nana is calling the shots. That’s bad news for her lazy son-in-law and spoiled grandkids and it’s not great news for her daughter either. If they can keep Nana happy then they can have the life of their dreams! If not then the donkeys at the sanctuary will be getting fitted with Gucci saddles. Unless the family can find that ticket…