Once upon a time, Beauty was in her boudoir, where she usually performs sexy shows through her web cam. After a silly mistake, a terrible curse has fallen upon her and the Kingdom. In her bush-straddled, thorn-wrapped castle, Beauty has fallen into a deep and prolonged sleep, and she must be woken. But how?
Starring everyone’s fairy godmother Annette Curtains (Tom Marshman), the wicked fairy Maleficent (Peter Baker), Streaming Beauty, the King and Queen, the Castle and the artist formally known as Prince. Can you help them in their quest to restore the world to a new normal and wake Beauty from her sleep? Devour this uniquely filthy and interactive Christmas show live from your homes, through the Christmas miracle of Zoom. Bring your own mince pies and booze. A note about tech: You will need to log on to Zoom for this experience and will need an internet connection. We will provide you with a link and password to access the performance on the day of the performance. This will be via email.
Streamed via Zoom