Set in a Mother and Baby Home in December 1964, Be My Baby follows Mary Adams who is unmarried and seven months pregnant. Forcibly sent there by a mother intent on keeping up appearances, Mary, along with other girls in the home, has to cope with both the shame and the dawning realisation that she will have to give up the baby for adoption.
Despite this, we share their laughter and tears as they dance their troubles away to the girl groups of the time in this bittersweet comedy.
Amanda Whittington was exploring the plight of adopted children and wanted to write a play about them, but as she delved deeper, she felt herself drawn into the plight of the teenage mothers.
This popular play, with great acting roles for young actresses, is on many school curriculums as it explores the social pressures of the time and the naivety of teenage girls forced to give up their new-born babies without realising the consequences of adoption.
This production of Be My Baby will be directed by NVT stalwart Jerry Lyne with choreography by Ulrike Schilling, who have won awards for previous productions. They were drawn by the sympathetic nature of the story and the clever way the writer brings us ever closer into the lives of all the characters, the pregnant girls, the Matron running the Home and the Mother of a pregnant daughter.