Mark Mark Productions – The Maniax – An indoor cabaret version of this classic street show has been performed all over the world. Twice winners of the prestigious ?Street Show of The Year’ award this is a hilarious, spectacular comedy performance that always pulls huge crowds. Based on an amazing Houdini style escape the show is packed with stunts, illusions and great comic routines. Keira Martin & Sioda Adams – Good Blood – Good Blood is a work in progress production that looks closely at the relationship of two sisters: Keira and Sioda. Entertaining and familiar scenarios are refreshed and brought into focus to shed new light on family ties; the bonds that hold us together and the people that make us. Both sisters are inspired and influenced by their working class Barnsley upbringing, politics, Ireland, dance and music.
This is a free event to welcome audiences back to The Civic and to trial our new Covid secure procedures. We have worked very hard to prepare the building for reopening and this event is an opportunity to try out some new ideas with an invited audience before the autumn season begins.