Hosted by comedian Steve McNeil (team captain on UK TV’s hit comedy/gaming show Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit) and aided by Guinness World-Record-Breaking tech whizz, the award-winning Rob Sedgebeer!
Hosted by comedian Steve McNeil (team captain on UK TV’s hit comedy/gaming show Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit) and aided by Guinness World-Record-Breaking tech whizz, the award-winning Rob Sedgebeer!
With a family-friendly afternoon show (recommended for ages 6+) and an evening show with entirely different games and quizzes (recommended for ages 12+, includes swearing), you can book for one or both!
Featured on The Times’ Hot List, Time Out’s Critic’s Choice and Metro’s TopTen London Geek Nights Out.
Age Guidance:
14:00, 16:00 – This is a family friendly show. Recommended age 6+
19:00 – Recommended age 12+. This show will contain some swearing and adult language.