Afghanistan: 2009. Under bright blue skies, a small girl stands and watches the soldier. She smiles, just like his sister… Ryan is there to see the world, learn a trade, get a life. Training is complete, combat is a buzz; he’s part of a team, and knows his job. But on one particular hot and desperate tour of duty, Ryan sees things he can’t talk about, to anyone. And then, when he returns home, the trouble really begins. Created from two years of research with ex and serving soldiers, families and health professionals, A Brave Face explores Post-Traumatic Stress in the military, an unseen and often unrecognised injury of war. With compassion and fearlessness, Vamos brings its trademark, wordless, full mask style to a story that needs to be told.
Vamos Theatre presents a co-production with Mercury Theatre Colchester and a co-commission with London International Mime Festival, produced with support from Jyv?skyl? Festival, Finland.