The actor recently appeared in the award-nominated ”Little Shop of Horrors” at Open Air Theatre
Casting has been announced for the European premiere of Tom Coash's Cry Havoc at the Park Theatre.
Running from 27 March to 20 April, the piece explores a romance between an Egyptian man and an English man and the repression of LGBTQ+ identities across the world. American playwright Coash penned the piece following four years teaching writing in Cairo.
Directed by Pamela Schermann (Mozart and Salieri), the piece will star Marc Antolin (Little Shop of Horrors, Romantics Anonymous) as Nicholas Field, as well as James El-Sharawy (The Fifth Column, The Cutting of the Cloth) as Mohammed El-Masri and Karren Winchester (Les Blancs, Children of the Sun) as Mrs Nevers.
The piece will have set and costume design by Emily Bestow, lighting design by Petr Vocka and sound design by Julian Starr.