Theatre News

Fringe First final week winners announced

The weekly awards recognise new work at the Edinburgh Fringe

Alex Wood

Alex Wood

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23 August 2018

© Andi Crown

The third week winners for The Scotsman's Fringe First Awards have been announced.

Helen Monks and Matt Woodhead's Trojan Horse, Robin Kelly's Valerie and Valentijn Dhaenens' Unsung, all three at Summerhall, were given the awards, while Breach Theatre's It's True, It's True, It's True, which won the Untapped Award earlier this year, also took home a prize.

Pleasance won two awards with The Archive of Educated Hearts by Casey Jay Andrews and Funeral Flowers by Power Play.

The awards are given out on a weekly basis throughout the Fringe to commend new and top-tier work premiering at the Festival.

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