Jurowski conducts Bruckner

About This Show

‘Truly spectacular’ was how The Arts Desk described Vladimir Jurowski and the LPO’s performance of Bruckner’s Fifth Symphony in 2017, going on to hail ‘a performance of conviction, power and compelling insight from start to end’. Now Jurowski’s exploration of Bruckner’s symphonic universe includes a re-examination of the Second Symphony, music of mountainous grandeur interspersed with a quiet poetry that goes straight to the heart. Weber opens the concert deep in the German forests, and then Jurowski and the award-winning young Russian virtuoso Alena Baeva share Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto. They could have been born to play this sweetest of all Russian masterpieces for violin and orchestra.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 20min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: 05 December 2018
Location: Southbank Centre, West End

Belvedere Road,

West End,


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