About This Show

I want you to do yourself proud, Joey. You go and drive those Germans back where they’ve come from, and then come home to me. At the outbreak of World War one, Joey, young Albert’s beloved horse, is sold to the cavalry and shipped to France. he’s soon caught up in enemy fire, and fate takes him on an extraordinary odyssey, serving on both sides before finding himself alone in no man’s land. but Albert cannot forget Joey and, still not old enough to enlist, he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home. Do I look like I know the latest on every effing ?orse in the war? Do I look like an effing equine expert or even an effing equestrian enthusiast? Your squadron no longer exists. That’s all I know, Private. Suitable for 12yrs+

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 25min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: 11 January 2019 Final Performance: 26 January 2019
Location: Scottish Events Campus, Glasgow

Exhibition Way,


G3 8YW

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Thomas Dennis Albert Narracott
Jo Castleton Rose Narracott
Bob Fox Song Man
Adam Barlow Greig/Schweyk/Sergeant Fine
Peter Becker Friedrich
Lucas Button Joey Hind
Jasper William Cartwright Billy/Heine/Klebb
Chris Charles Joey/Topthorn Heart
Jonathan Charles Bone/Vet Martin
Sebastian Charles Topthorn Heart
Anna Chessher Joey/Topthorn Head
Nicky Cross Joey/Topthorn Hind
Chris Garner Allan/Manfred
Andrew Hodges Sergeant Thunder
Lewis Howard Joey Heart
William Ilkley Arthur Narracott
Ben Ingles Lt Nicholls
Billy Irving Goose/Schnabel
Elan James Topthorn Hind
Gwilym Lloyd Ted Narracott
Jack Lord Klausen
Stephen Love Topthorn Head
Samuel Parker Joey/Topthorn Hind
Tom Quinn Joey/Topthorn Head
Domonic Ramsden Joey/Topthorn Heart
Tom Stacy Joey Head
Simon Victor Stewart/Heine/Ludwig

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