The show tells the tale of Charlie Price, who inherits his father’s shoemaking factory and decides to about-turn, put his best foot forwards and take it in a new direction.
It has a Tony-Award nominated book by Harvey Fierstein and Tony and Grammy award-winning music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper. Numbers in the show include “The History of the Wrong Guys”, “Sex Is In the Heel”, “Land of Lola” and “The Soul of a Man”, while the piece was first seen a decade ago at Chicago’s Bank of America Theatre in 2012.
The production will open at the New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich from 1 to 24 September and Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch from 28 September to 22 October.
Set to play Price is Matt Corner (he/him, The Last Ship), alongside Keanu Adolphus Johnson (he/him, Never Lost At Home) as Lola and Aruhan Galieva (she/her, Doctor Who) as Lauren.
The company will also include Jay Anderson (he/him) as Angel, Will Arundell (he/him, Queen of the Mist) as Harry/Bailey/onstage musical director, Josephine Lloyd-Welcome (she/her, Goldie’s Oldies) as Georgie, George Lynham (he/she/they) as Angel, Roddy Lynch (he/him) as Don, Cavan Malone (they/them) as Angel, Tim Parker (he/him, Once) as Mr Price, Anna Soden (she/her, Five Children And It) as Nicola, Lucy Elizabeth Thorburn (she/her) as Pat and Hiromi Toyooka (she/her) as Angel. Casting for Young Lola and Young Charlie will be announced at a later date.
Tim Jackson (he/him, The Season) directs, with the creative team completed by Daniel Denton (he/him, Misty) as video designer, Tony Gayle (he/him, Get Up, Stand Up! The Bob Marley Musical) as sound designer, Crystal Hantig (she/her) as choreographer, Charlie Ingles (he/him, Anyone Can Whistle) as musical supervisor and arranger, Jamie Platt (he/him, The Last Five Years) as lighting designer, Amanda Stoodley (she/her, Bloody Elle) as set and costume designer and Molly Wilsher (she/her) as assistant director.