The show is penned by Tim Rice, Stuart Brayson, Donald Rice and Bill Oakes and is set in the two weeks leading up to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It is based on James Jones’ novel of the same name.
This newly revised staging marks the first revival of the show since its original West End run at the Shaftesbury Theatre in 2013.
Production images are here:
Directed by Brett Smock, Nick J Barstow is the musical director and orchestrator for the show (and also supplies new arrangements), with Stewart J Charlesworth as set and costume designer, Cressida Carré as choreographer, Jane Deitch as casting director, Chris Murray as sound designer Adam King as lighting designer, Louise Rhodes-Brown as projection designer, Lucy Lawless as costume supervisor, James Anderson as production manager and Chris Matanlé as general manager.
It is produced by Katy Lipson for Aria Entertainment, Bill Kenwright and Heartaches Limited. Running to 17 December, tickets are on sale below.