Trevor Hancock and Darren John Langford are bringing their unique show Les Hommes dans Robes de Chambre to the Lowry Studio in July. This mix of burlesque, comedy and music is written and performed by the duo, commonly known as Men in dressing gowns.
1. The play is suitable for all ages, so Grandma can spend a night out with her grand children and everyone in between and have a good laugh.
2. Les Hommes…… is original yet pays homage to early cinema comedy and the patience needed in waiting for the best pay off.
3. Moments of Magic, circus skill, dance, burlesque (not the taking clothes off burlesque. Grandma would go nuts!) and clowning.
4. In WWII our freedom was challenged by the darkness that the Nazi’s brought with them. So what relevent time for a play about freedom to come along when the BNP have just darkened our doorway here in Manchester again.
5. For friendship and acceptance.