The iconic show follows Roxie, a woman who murders her lover but tries to escape the wrath of the law. The piece is the winner of six Tony Awards, and has played in 36 countries worldwide. Numbers include "Razzle Dazzle", "Cell Block Tango", and "All That Jazz".
Faye Brookes will play Roxie Hart, Darren Day will play Billy Flynn alongside Sinitta as Mama Morton, DeCampo as Mary Sunshine, Djalenga Scott as Velma and Joel Montague as Amos Hart.
The cast also features Ishmail Aaron, Michelle Andrews, Gabby Antrobus, Delycia Belgrave, Joel Benjamin, Tanisha-Mae Brown, Daniel Clift, Callum Fitzgerald, Emily Goodenough, Billie Hardy, Aaron Jenkins, Liam Marcellino, Theo Reece, Hollie Jane Stephens and Harrison Wilde.
The hit 1996 production of Kander and Ebb's iconic musical, choreographed by Ann Reinking in the style of Bob Fosse with direction by Walter Bobbie, ran in the West End recently at the Phoenix Theatre.
Creatives for the upcoming tour are to be revealed.