Written and directed by Pravesh Kumar; Britain’s Got Bhangra focuses around the life of Twinkle G, a young man who arrives in the UK from the Punjab during a time of racial turbulence. Twinkle and his closest friend Rocky become well known musicians, finding success performing Bhangra hits across the country. Following how the Bhangra music industry changes under the relentless ambition of Shindi (an excellent Natasha Jayetileke) the production spans three decades up until present day and we see how these musical and cultural changes affect Twinkle G throughout his life. Despite the story being completely fictional, it is milestoned by real British Bhangra history over the past three decades.
There are very few productions, and even less musicals, that I have ever seen that manage to marry poignancy and glee with the success of Britain’s Got Bhangra. The narrative in Britain’s Got Bhangra is not thin. Unlike many other musicals, it does not rely on the music and dancing alone to carry an often under developed plot. There are elements within that are both poignant and truly moving, complimented with genuine character development throughout. The overall message, “Integration, British Asian, this is the sound of a new generation…coming together as one”, still resonates today and is acutely uplifting. Aside from this, the overarching feel of Britain’s Got Bhangra is one of fun, humour and felicity.
Musically, Britain’s Got Bhangra excels, Sumeet Chopra fuses various musical influences throughout creating a timeline of Bhangra music spanning over three decades, which has the audience dancing in the aisles. The effulgent score was delivered by equally talented performers. Twinkle G Shin Parwana delivers a moving and polished performance throughout, alongside an accomplished cast. One scene which especially resonated was a fight scene in which the choreraphy was so polished and the execution so smooth it rivals any other I have ever seen.
Britain’s Got Bhangra is not your average stage show. It surmounts where other musicals may lack and brings a new and exciting flavour to British Theatre. I would have no hesitation in saying this is the best Musical I have seen this year.