
Black Lives Matter: Petitions, resources and tips for writing to MPs

We’re updating this list as we continue to receive new information


A wave of vital protests and campaigns have occurred over the last week and, while this energy has been incredible, we want to make sure that this isn't a passing moment and instead the beginning of a wider change.

We've created a number of articles and a custom guide to provide you with long-term resources and links.

This is a rolling list so if you want to add something please email editorial@whatsonstage.com.

Sign petitions and support rallies:

An ongoing and comprehensive list of petitions can be found here.

There is another petition to update GCSE reading lists, and another here.

Another petition banning the use of rubber bullets is available here.

The Evening Standard has created a round-up of rallies being held over the coming days and weeks, while there's a useful tip for those heading to rallies here.

There is also a petition here to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting.

Write to your local MP asking what they are doing:

Questions can include: do they support the suspension of UK sales of teargas, riot shields or rubber bullets to the US are they condemning Trump's use of force against his own citizens. WriteToThem is a great website explaining how to do it.

Donate to memorial funds:

A list of all of the official ongoing fundraisers in memory of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Destiny Harrison, and more can be found here.

If you don't have the funds to donate money, stream this video on repeat, leaving the ads running, and share it. All of the ad revenue made through AdSense will be donated to the advocacy organizations listed in the video.

Donate to organizations supporting and bailing out protesters

You can find a list of many of these organizations specific to states across the USA, including the Minnesota Freedom Fund, here.

The Royal Exchange's online production of The Mountaintop will be doing the same thing.