

After a slight lull in energy, Secret Window, Secret Garden is back to full power! Our performance today was the best so far and it was helped by a wonderfully receptive audience. Our perspective of the piece was freshened up by several outside comments and influences, for which the whole cast is hugely grateful.

Edinburgh tip for audience members this time: I am so very aware that we couldn’t do what we do without you, and on a day when it feels everything is going wrong it only takes a great audience to lift spirits again. My only request for audience members is this: plays start on the dot. Of the many many plays we have performed so far on the Fringe, I think there has only been two or three in which audience members did not enter after house lights went down. On some occasions, people have walked right through the performance space to get to their seats and on others they have arrived almost halfway through the piece. Simply to make life easier for the actors, please be sure you arrive in time! Of course problems occur, but focus is so important for a performer and disruptions can mean the difference between a mediocre performance and a great one. They can also severely affect other audience members’ enjoyment of the piece.

In spite of that slight downer (apologies!) I can only continue by saying how fantastic our audience sizes have been, and how positive their reactions are. Of course, the Fringe is brimming with exciting, interesting people who WANT to be entertained, and that shows through so much when it comes to their reception of the pieces they go to see. The festival is a celebration of the performing arts and the festival-goers are so obviously here to celebrate! Overall, it creates a fantastic atmosphere that is so infectious and encouraging for the performers.