
Tuning Out with Radio Z

In a the middle of a hamstrung nation the calming voices of Craig and Amanda sooth us through three hours of bleak twilight before dawn breaks on a brave new world. Tuning Out With Radio Z is a prolonged and diaphanous experience which eerily looks at loss; a diluted journey where occasionally items of improvised and crafted brilliance spring out of the dullness of waiting. Intrigued in this monotony Stan’s Cafe include no interval in their marathon instead providing wristbands enabling you to take breaks, wittily stemming modern panic.

Our presenters’ fluctuate between super smooth harbingers of radio cliche to squabbling siblings, their comic rivalry masking an inherent connection and vulnerability; ‘Don’t leave us’ whisper the voices in our ear, ‘It’s scary here in the dark’. Talk radio bleeds into loosely enacted episodes where victims in this post apocalyptic world shimmer movingly into life.

A varied combination of rehearsed and improvised material alongside live audience contributions offered up through text message or email, it is remarkably easy to say tuned in to Radio Z. Our contributions could be utilised more fully, currently feeling slightly under-baked and there are periods of unfocused superfluity but Craig and Amanda always pull us back; you care about them and will leave with palpable stains of their plight etched in your mind. As ever with Stan’s Cafe, you might not know what to think, but you will be thinking something.

– Honour Bayes